Camelot Garden Arch
There are two sizes:-
Both have a height of 93"/236cm after pushing each arch 12"/30cm
into the ground.
GF03A Camelot Arch 49"/124cm Opening with
a Depth of 12"/30cm.
UK prices including VAT along
with colour choice:-
Green, Black or Natural Rusted. £140.50
Unpainted Galvanised, Etched Galvanised,
White or Cream £169.40
Hand Painted Verdigris £186.30
GF03AL Larger Camelot Arch
61"/155cm Opening with a depth of 18"/45cm.
UK prices including VAT along
with colour choice:-
Green, Black or Natural Rusted. £208.35
Unpainted Galvanised, Etched Galvanised,
White or Cream £225.30
Hand Painted Verdigris £250.80
Phone us for advice or help with your order
anytime on
01749 870250 
There is a delivery charge based on the size of the order-see details at the bottom of this page. To
see an example of one of our bench seats finished in
Hand Painted Verdigris please
click here